By: BOB KOWELL - Commentary
Seldom, if ever, has a former or present ambassador of the United States come to our area, the Temecula Valley. Ambassador Pierre-Richard Prosper will be the keynote speaker at an upcoming Republican event at Pat & Oscar's in Temecula.
The event is meant to shed light on genocide in Africa as well as other places in the world.
Prosper was U.S. ambassador-at-large for war crimes issues under President George W. Bush and served as a war crimes prosecutor for the United Nations International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. He successfully prosecuted Jean-Paul Akayesu for his involvement in the Rwandan massacre of the early 1990s.
This was the first case of genocide since the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was enacted. Prosper also won additional life-sentence convictions for other crimes against humanity and was able to convince the court to recognize rape committed in time of conflict as an act of genocide and a crime against humanity.
A person like Prosper is uncommon. He, like others in history, has risen to the occasion. They help those who have no means of protecting themselves from those who would slaughter them. In places like Rwanda, Sudan, Zimbabwe and Uganda, it takes everything for a human being just to survive through the day.
That is why the Murrieta/Temecula Republican Assembly ( is hosting an event that focuses on the disaster that is happening in Africa.
It was the Republicans whose founding purpose of freeing the slaves caused the Civil War and it's the Republicans, America's first civil rights party, who still carry the banner of freedom both here in America and around the world.
It was the Democratic Party that promoted slavery in 1860 and still promotes slavery to this day by its inaction, over-regulation, multiculturalism and taxation. A historical case in point about the differences in what the parties believe is that 82 percent of Republicans in the Senate voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act, while only 64 percent of Democrats did.
The Democratic left is so misguided that its latest fear-baiting about "global warming" (still unproven that man causes a dramatic effect on climate) will only result in disregarding the poor in places such as Africa. Limiting carbon dioxide emissions at this time can only cause sprouting economies to fail, which will take the people that need help the most with them.
Some of the left are so arrogant that they don't want the poor of the world to progress into the modern age. They think that the poor are better living in poverty. These elitists of "progressive" thinking also support tyrannical governments such as the Palestinian Authority and even other more hideous governments over free nations like Israel.
When the ambassador comes, we also will be screening parts of the "Invisible Children" documentary about the plight of young children being forced into a rebel army in Uganda.
The event will take place at 6 p.m. April 6. RSVP with Adele at (951) 506-1999.
-- Bob Kowell of Murrieta is president of the Murrieta/Temecula Republican Assembly.
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